Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Taking some time to breathe! Soccer, classes, retreats, Oh My!!

Hi everyone,

I have been a busy girl as all of you are I'm sure, between some awesome classes and family it seems like I sleep less and less lol. So what does a mom who doesn't have time to sleep do, well she decides to coach her daughter's soccer team of course, actually I did not originally sign up or this lovely position but seeing as how the girls did not have a coach and they would be disbanded if they didn't get one, (I think they just say this to scare parents into doing it) I decided to do it.

Then oh yes I took on a part time job, non-scrappy related it is like 10 hours a week - in this economy who am I to turn down a job, especially at a mere 8-10 hours a week! I will be working at UC Riverside in the plant pathology department creating media, just an FYI media is the stuff that goes into the dishes to help cultivate different yeast, fungi, and bacteria. Wow you just learned something new, and if you already knew that then aren't you just a smarty pants!

So that is it in a nutshell, I can't wait for my kids to go back to school on the 25th, YAY!!! My baby starts pre-school in a few weeks, I am feeling bitter sweet about that one, I know she will love it and it is only for 3 half days, but she is my baby (sniff sniff). At lease I will be able to get some work done instead of the staying up till the wee hours of the morning.

Well that is the update on me, I will be listing all kinds of awesome stuff shortly so check back because I am going to provide you with a ton of fun scrapbooking stuff to do in the next few months! Have a great Day!


Tricia said...

Sounds like you have been quite busy my friend! Good luck at your new job! You will be just fine!

Hope to see you soon!

Jennifer Priest said...

Congrats on the job--never knew you were into science! And I know how you feel about soccer but you're doing it for your girl and she will appreciate it.