Saturday, September 27, 2008

Sad Week

It has been forever since I blogged, it seems time disappears in an instant. In those moments sometimes good things happen and sometimes bad things happen, yesterday my husband's grandmother passed away, after a week in the hospital her little body gave out. She was an amazing woman and I truly hope I have her zest for life when I am 89. Grandma Clark was always up for anything not to long ago she was down on the floor playing UNO with the kids, always smiling and genuinely a wonderful person.
I often joke that my family is a blessing and a curse, I love having them close and sometimes it feels like it is too close, but at the end of the day all of these people in our lives are part of a machine each a unique piece that keeps the others working in sync, the loss of one piece leaves the machine debilitated and never working quite the same.
The sadness of the loss is lessened in the knowledge that she was not in pain during her passing and that she lived a full and active life till the very end.
So remember to hug your loved ones and let them know how much you care and how important they are to you, because tomorrow quickly becomes yesterday.

I love this picture of Grandma, it was take this past April, we were having a BBQ at my Brother in laws place and everyone was eating those Popsicles that you throw in the freezer and can buy like 100 for 2 bucks lol. You know which ones I am talking about, anywhoo my hubby being the obnoxious grandson asked his Grandma, do you want one Grandma? And her response was OK, sure i'll try one. That was her in a nutshell always willing to try something new, i had to snap this pic of her eating her popsicle.

This is a picture of Grandma Clark with Abby when Abby was just 2 weeks old (my little munchkin is now 2)


Anonymous said...

great pictures Jess. I wish I knew her longer, but she was an amazing women I hope I can be as active as she was. Niccole

Tricia said...

Sorry heart goes out to you and your family. Sounds like she was a fun little wipper snapper!